Connecting Stories,
Cultures, and Creativity

FILM CONNECT SWEDEN-GAMBIA is an initiative bridging Swedish film expertise with vibrant young Gambian filmmakers. This project is a beacon of cultural and educational exchange, aimed at enriching the filmmaking landscape in both countries. By facilitating a dynamic exchange of ideas, techniques, and stories, we are creating a unique platform where expertise and creativity connect.

Skill Development & Networking

Our mission is simple yet ambitious: to enhance filmmaking skills, foster cross-cultural understanding, and open doors to international collaboration. Through a series of workshops, masterclasses, and collaborative projects, we offer a hands-on learning experience guided by seasoned Swedish film professionals. These activities not only include the technical skills of participants but also immerse them in the nuances of international film standards.

Content & Activities

At the core of Film Connect Sweden-Gambia is our passionate commitment to nurturing a new generation of storytellers. We're not just teaching filmmaking; we're kindling the creative spirits of Gambian students and educators. By equipping them with the tools and knowledge to craft their own compelling stories, we're contributing to a global film industry that's as rich and diverse as the narratives it tells.

But our project is about more than just learning the ropes of filmmaking. We're creating a community. By building lasting networks and offering mentorship, we're opening doors to sustainable professional growth in the film sector. We're not just teaching skills; we're fostering relationships that will shape the future of cinema.

Cultural exchange is the heartbeat of our program. It's about bringing together different worlds, understanding diverse lifestyles, and letting these experiences flow into the art of filmmaking. This exchange doesn't just enrich our participants; it strengthens the global film community.

Creative expression, critical thinking, and career opportunities are just the beginning. Film education is a powerful tool for developing informed and critical thinkers and global citizens.

Behind the scenes

In October 2023, a groundbreaking trip marked the beginning of our journey. Director of Photography Marco Padoan and Producer Louise Weidenstolpe embarked on an inspiring trip to West Africa. This first visit was filled with enriching experiences, from conducting interactive workshops to engaging in lectures and initiating collaborative film projects.

Their destination was the village of Tujereng, a place with great potential and creativity. Here, they connected with the heart of our project's partnership - the Mbolo Association and Fandema School. This visit wasn't just about sharing knowledge; it was about building relationships and laying the groundwork for a future rich in cultural exchange and cinematic collaboration.

Watch the short film

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Every donation counts, bringing us one step closer to creating meaningful stories and bridging communities through the magic of film making. Join us in making a difference today.


Partnerships with Fandema & Mbolo Association in Gambia

We believe in the transformative power of film in Gambia – from skill development to international standards, professional networking to cultural preservation, and economic opportunities to international representation. We proudly partner with Fandema School, a flagship project under the Mbolo Association, empowering young women through education in various fields, including film.

Fandema is a beacon of hope and progress in Tujereng, Gambia, operated by the non-profit Mbolo Association. This visionary school serves as a flagship institution, offering a wide range of educational programs aimed at strengthening the skills of young Gambian women. With a steadfast commitment to community upliftment, Fandema has educated nearly 650 women from approximately 100 rural villages in the West Coast Region.

Our Shared Goals

The partnership with Fandema & Mbolo Association is grounded in our shared goal to empower young women by providing them with not just education but the tools to shape their future. The school's dedication to subjects like media, renewable energy, carpentry, cooking, IT, and more, dovetails with our objective to nurture comprehensive filmmaking skills.

Skills for Life

Fandema’s unique "Skills for Life" introductory program lays a foundational understanding for new students across all the disciplines offered. This holistic approach enriches their general knowledge and allows them to make informed choices about their educational trajectory — an ethos we deeply resonate with and support through our film-focused endeavors.

Technical and Creative Boost

While Fandema boasts basic film equipment and a curriculum developed in collaboration with Louise Weidenstolpe, our project aims to elevate this setup. We recognize the need for more advanced technology and a wider range of lighting equipment to truly unlock the students' potential. Through our joint efforts, we intend to enhance the technical and creative resources available to these aspiring filmmakers.

A Future Woven Together

The bond with Fandema & Mbolo Association is not just a partnership; it's a promise — a promise to foster growth, to champion the untold stories, and to collectively work towards a future where every voice has the chance to be heard. We are committed to continuing this journey, enhancing the film education landscape in Gambia, and fostering cultural exchanges that ripple through the narratives of both nations.

Mbolo Association


Future Vision

Our dream is to see the seeds we plant today blossom into a thriving community of filmmakers who not only excel in their craft but also carry forward the spirit of cross-cultural collaboration.

We imagine a future where the stories crafted by our Gambian and Swedish participants are not just heard, but felt and lived by audiences around the world. We envision film festivals where their works are showcased, not just as examples of technical prowess, but as vibrant expressions of their unique cultures and experiences.

"This project is like opening a window to a whole new world for me. Learning from Swedish film experts, I'm not just gaining skills; I'm discovering new ways to tell our stories. It's like we're not just making films; we're sharing pieces of ourselves with every scene."

— Fatouma. Film Student, Film Connect Sweden-Gambia Project
